Tall Bearded (P-R)

 Papaya Princess 
(VanLiere 2011) Early midseason bloom. Standards pale yellow; style arms o...


(Keppel 2014) Mid-late bloom. Beautiful large blooms with wide long semi-f...


 Pirate Ahoy 
(Blyth 2005) Bright yellow standards; red-black falls with large, eye-catc...


 Proud Tradition 
(Schreiner 90) Light silver blue standards; deep hyacinth blue falls. Clas...


 Raspberry Fudge 
(Keppel 89) Tan raspberry standards; falls cream, brown raspberry hafts an...


 Reis Pudding 
(Hall 2005) Late mid-season bloom. Pure white self; deep yellow in throat,...


 Rippling River 
(Schreiner 1995) Heavily ruffled medium navy blue self; beards blue. HM 1997


 Riverboat Blues 
(Schreiner 91) Big, ruffled, medium lavender blue. AM 95 HM 93


 Rocky Road 
(Miller 2008) Standards light chocolate brown; style arms chocolate brown;...


(Bianco 96) Oxblood red self. Beards deep brown tipped bronze. Spicy fragr...


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