Tall Bearded (A-B)

(Hamblen 85) Charming bitone with pink standards and purple-violet falls. ...


 All About Spring 
(Kerr, 2006) Midseason to late bloom. Standards lilac, yellow edge, gold h...


 All Aflutter 
(Byers 94) Beautiful white self with red-orange beards with a blue flounce...


 All Night Long 
(Duncan 2005) Dark purple-black self, slight lacy fringe on style crests; ...


 Anna Belle Babson 
(Hager 85) Beautifully ruffled pure pink, excellent growth habits. AM 89 H...


 Another Woman 
(Blyth 2010) 38 inches tall, very early bloom. Standards lilac mauve, ruff...


 Argus Pheasant 
(DeForest 48) Golden brown self. AM 50 HM 48 DM 52, Historic over 30 years...


 Arvada Mist 
(Hall, Jerry 2007) Standards pale gold, falls orchid; gold hafts, red ceda...


 Ascent Of Angels 
(Bernard 96) Wisteria blue with a violet wash; ruffled. Sweet fragrance. H...


 Aura Light 
(Blyth 93) Early to mid-season bloom. Standards pure white; falls bright g...


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