W. R. Dykes Memorial Medal Winners

 Babbling Brook 
(Keppel 65) Very popular light blue self, a garden favorite.  DM 72 A...


 Blue Rhythm 
(Whiting 45) Delicate cornflower blue. Historic over 30 years old. AM 47 H...


 Blue Sapphire 
(Schreiner 53) Ruffled light silvery blue, gold beards. AM 56 HM 54 H DM 58


 Bottle Rocket 
(Sutton, M 2009) Early midseason bloom. Standards orange buff flushed pink...


(Byers 89) White, bright amethyst border on falls. White horned beards. AM...


 Eleanors Pride 
(Watkins 52) Powder blue self. Historic over 30 years old. AM 58 HM 56 DM 61


 Mary Geddes 
(Stahlman/Washington 31) Salmon and red bicolor. Historic over 30 years ol...


(Byers 90) Ruffled white; beards tangerine red with large uplifted frilly ...


(Keppel 2007) Early thru mid-season bloom. Luminata standards greyed red-p...


(Ghio 69) Standard light blue, falls deep blue. Historic over 30 years old...


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